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佛山創(chuàng )銳一站式制造供應商
CR-250 絞肉機

CR-250 絞肉機

佛山國新創(chuàng )銳機電是一家集研發(fā)、制造、銷(xiāo)售、技術(shù)服務(wù)于一體的智能化食品機械設備制造商, 產(chǎn)品新穎、自動(dòng)化程度高、品質(zhì)優(yōu)良、多年來(lái)深得用戶(hù)好評及信賴(lài)。我們專(zhuān)注《CR-250 絞肉機》生產(chǎn)制作,如有什么疑問(wèn),歡迎致電給我們。


CR-250 絞肉機 產(chǎn)品詳情

1. 絞肉機是肉制品生產(chǎn)中常見(jiàn)的預料加工設備,其依靠螺桿推動(dòng),將塊狀肉料推至預切板處,通過(guò)螺桿的旋推力, 使絞刀與孔板產(chǎn)生相對運動(dòng),從而將未解凍的肉塊或鮮肉直接進(jìn)行絞切,制成各種規格的肉粒。

2. 凍肉絞肉機可將未解凍的肉塊(-4~-10℃)或鮮肉直接進(jìn)行絞切,不僅節約了凍肉綏化的時(shí)間,而且最主要的 是減少了肉在綏化過(guò)程中流失的營(yíng)養成分以及蛋白的損失,從而保持了肉的鮮美與營(yíng)養。

1. Meat mincer is a common type of pretreatment processing equipment in production of meat products. It relies on the screw to push meat chunks to the pre-cutting plate. Through the screw's rotary force, the cutter and the orifice plate generate relative movement, so that the meat not thawed or fresh meat can be directly minced into various specifications of meat grains.

2. The meat mincer of frozen meat can directly mince the meat not thawed (-4~-10℃ ) or fresh meat, which not only saves the time of thawing the frozen meat, but also reduces the loss of nutrients and protein in the process of thawing, so as to maintain the freshness and nutrition of meat.

CR-250 絞肉機

CR-250 絞肉機

上一篇:CR-120 絞肉機
下一篇:CR-300 絞肉機